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Coffee, one of the world's most popular beverages, is made from roasted beans of the Coffea plant. Known for its rich aroma, deep flavors, and energizing effects, coffee is enjoyed globally in a variety of forms, from espressos and cappuccinos to cold brews and traditional drip coffee. It is not only appreciated for its taste but also for the stimulating properties of caffeine, which provide a natural energy boost and enhance focus.

Coffee beans, whether Arabica or Robusta, are packed with complex flavors that range from sweet and fruity to bold and bitter, depending on the roasting level. Coffee is often consumed on its own or with milk, sugar, or flavorings like vanilla, chocolate, or spices. Beyond its flavor, coffee is a versatile ingredient used in desserts, marinades, and even skincare products.

We can provide you with the best quality of coffee beans as green beans, roasted beans or ground coffee. We have a steady supply of Arabica and Robusta throughout the year.

Health Benefits of Coffee
Rich in Antioxidants: Coffee is one of the biggest sources of antioxidants in the diet, helping the body fight oxidative stress and inflammation.
Boosts Physical Performance: Caffeine in coffee increases adrenaline levels, improving physical performance.
Improves Brain Function: Coffee is known to enhance brain function, including memory, mood, reaction times, and general cognitive function
Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Studies suggest that regular coffee consumption may lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
May Protect Against Neurodegenerative Diseases: Coffee drinkers show a lower risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease due to its neuroprotective effects.
May Lower Risk of Certain Cancers: Some research indicates coffee may reduce the risk of liver and colorectal cancer.
Arthritis patients respond well to curcumin supplements
Supports Heart Health: Moderate coffee consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
May Promote Longevity: Coffee drinkers are thought to have a lower risk of premature death from various diseases.

Approximate nutritional values for Coffee (per 100g)
Calories 214 kcal
Protein 14.4 grams
Fat 14.0 grams
Carbohydrates 35.0 grams
Fiber 24.0 grams
Sugar 0.3 grams
Calories 222 kcal
Protein 17.0 grams
Fat 15.0 grams
Carbohydrates 28.0 grams
Fiber 25.0 grams
Sugar 0.2 grams
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